Xian-Cli development proposal

I was thinking about what I could contribute to the xian community, and I thought it could be a good idea to start working on xian-cli obviously using xian-js but this could save developers coding and just use a couple of commands to create a new wallet or a couple of commands to interact with a contract, you could even add functions to see if the node is ok or which wallets are participating in the nodes.

we can take as reference these dependencies


what do you think of the idea? if you think it is good I will start working on it, if you think it is unnecessary because we already have other tools that already do that job this idea will be archived and I will look for different ways to contribute to the community.

obviously this will be open source and anyone in the community will be able to contribute.

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Hey great that you want to build something for Xian! :smile: a Xian CLI would mean that you can communicate with the chain via command line right?

That is not a bad idea. But why do you want to use xian-js for this? If it should be a command line tool then xian-py would be better.



I agree, xian-py might be a better choice

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