RCNet Upgrade 7-11-24

Greetings constituents of Xian

This Thursday, 7-11-24 10:00 UTC, RCNet will be coming down for a short time in order to apply some important updates.

The network will be unavailable for an hour until ~11:00 UTC while we perform this work. The upgrade should not take more than 1 hour, we will keep the community informed on any developments via Telegram.

This will be a hard-fork which means :

  • We will be taking a snapshot of the network state and using it to create a new genesis block.
  • There will be a new chain_id which we will release shortly.
  • Transaction history will no longer be available in the explorer.

What’s in the update

  • Improved handling of numbers
  • Changes to transaction processing implementation
  • Stability & Speed improvements

Thank-you all for your continued collaboration in building Xian !

Network upgrade has been deferred to a later date. There will be no downtime today. We will announce a new date for the upgrade shortly !