There’s an upgrade coming imminently, if you’re running a node, this is what you will need to do.
- If running remotely, ssh into your remote server.
cd xian-stack
- Pull the latest changes to xian-stack
git pull
- Enter the container shell
make core-dev-shell
- Stop the node
make down
- wipe the node state
make wipe
- exit the shell
- Take down the docker containers & wipe the BDS db (if applicable)
make core-dev-down
make wipe-bds
- Pull the latest changes & copy the new genesis to .cometbft
make checkout CONTRACTING_BRANCH=rcnet CORE_BRANCH=rcnet
cp ./xian-core/src/xian/tools/genesis/genesis-rcnet.json ./.cometbft/config/genesis.json
- Build the the appropriate docker containers & put up the node
# a) For a validator
make core-build
make core-shell
# b) For a bds-node
make core-bds-build
make core-bds-shell
# c) For a node in dev-mode
make core-dev-build
make core-dev-shell
- Start the node software
# for bds:
make up-bds
# else :
make up
- Check the logs to make sure it worked :
pm2 logs